Radon: The Silent Killer

Radon: The Silent Killer

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Whether it’s an apartment or a house, we consider the place we live, our home. To keep it safe, we have to be on guard, ensuring our home receives the proper maintenance.

One of the dangers you might not be aware of is radon poisoning. What is Radon? How can it enter your home? What are the dangers?

What is Radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring gas in the environment. It starts as uranium, which decays over time, turning into radium. As the radium breaks down, it creates this gas known as Radon.

What makes Radon the silent killer? Radon is a type of gas that can’t be seen, it has no smell, and you can’t even taste it. You can have a radon problem and not know it.

Radon doesn’t discriminate either. You can have a radon problem, whether it’s a new home or an old home, a well-sealed or drafty home, and whether you have a basement or not.

How Does Radon Enter Your Home?

Radon enters your home in two ways:

  1. Through the soil
  2. Through the water

Through The Soil

Any enclosed place will create air pressure; this includes your home. When the home’s air pressure is lower than on the outside, a suction effect is created. 

The suction effect will allow Radon in the soil to come in through:

  • Cracks in the flooring
  • Cracks in the walls
  • Joints from construction
  • Gaps around service pipes

Through The Water

Another way that Radon can enter your home is through the water, specifically in homes that get their water from wells. Groundwater can have levels of Radon in it that gets released when you perform routine tasks like cooking, washing dishes, and showering.

The Dangers of Radon

Radon, being the silent killer, can only be detected when you test your home to find its exposure levels. The risk can’t be determined by the state or local measurements of Radon nor by tests done on nearby homes. Radon testing is vital for each homeowner.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “nearly one out of every 15 homes in the United States is estimated to have an elevated radon level”.

Health Risks

The main health risk associated with exposure to high levels of Radon is cancer. As mentioned by the U.S. Surgeon General, Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths in the United States.

Radon is also the number one leading cause of death among non-smokers.

Let us Fix Your Radon Problem

Even when there are high levels of Radon, there is a way to reduce them to acceptable and healthier levels. Air Quality Consultants, Inc. will be glad to use our years of expertise to test and fix your radon problem.

The radon testing is simple and appropriate for any home or business. It consists of placing a small testing monitor to check the levels of Radon for at least 48 hours. It is recommended by the EPA to monitor rooms should be tested every two years, especially rooms below the third floor. 

Air Quality Consultants, Inc. can begin to test your air for Radon or anything else that might worry you. Contact us today and schedule your quote!

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