Never Hire a Company that Offers Mold Testing AND Mold Remediation

Never Hire A Company That Offers Mold Testing And Mold Remediation

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Independent mold testing that is not part of the remediation process can save you thousands of dollars on mold remediation and

You NEED to KNOW if that mold is toxic.

You know you have a mold problem as you can smell it (or see it).

All you have to do is hire a company to come in, cut out the mold, replace any drywall or insulation, and then your mold problem will be gone right?

You’ve done some research and found a local mold remediation company that seems like the perfect one-stop-shop. They will come out to your property, test for the presence of mold, and remediate the mold.  When they have finished the project, they will test the air again to show you that you no longer have a mold problem with the air you are breathing. 

The mold remediation company may even offer you a discount on mold testing since you are opting for both mold testing and mold remediation.

Sounds good, right? 


BEFORE you commit to a single company doing your mold remediation and mold testing, please take a moment to consider the repercussions of hiring a single company for these services. 

Not knowing what type of mold you are remediating could have deadly implications for you, your family, and possibly the remediator as well.  It could also end up costing you thousands of extra dollars on your mold remediation project!

3 Categories of Mold to Remediate

When it comes to mold remediation, there are 3 categories of mold:

  1. Allergenic
    • Molds that fall in this category can cause symptoms like sniffles and sneezes.  Molds in this category require the least amount of containment to mediate.
  2.  Pathogenic
    • Pathogenic Molds can cause more severe health issues.  This category of mold will cause flu like symptoms.
  3. Toxic
    • Toxic molds are not found in that many cases, but they are the types of mold that can send you to the hospital if they are not remediated properly.  If your mold is toxic, the remediation process will involve full containment, protective clothing, and breathing apparatuses to ensure that none of the toxic mold spores are spread around the house.

It is important to hire an independent 3rd party to know what category of mold you are dealing with.  Doing so will eliminate the possibility of a mold remediation company recommending a level of remediation that is not required.

Knowledge is truly power and in this case, having the knowledge of a mold testing company that has been testing mold in Virginia since 1991 will ensure that you are not paying to remediate a toxic mold, when your mold is not toxic.  In the case of mold, it could save you thousands of dollars since a discovery of toxic mold requires a mold remediation company to contain the entire area with a negative air space, zippered entry ways, and remediators will have to wear full protective gear.

In other words, IT COSTS A LOT MORE TO REMEDIATE TOXIC MOLD than Allergenic or Pathogenic Molds!  

This is the major reason that if you have a mold problem, you need to hire an independent third party that is not associated with the remediation process.

All parties benefit when an independent 3rd party is hired to test the mold.

More Reasons to Hire an Independent Mold Testing Company

  • Remove the guesswork and specualtion from the mold remediation process.
  • Establishes a system of checks and balances.
  • Pre & Post mold remediation with NO conflict of interest.
  • You will learn the size, scale, and scope of your mold problem.
  • Practically guarantees that you don’t pay for a level of mold remediation that you don’t need.
  • Unbiased, Qualified results delivered the next business day by 8:00 p.m.!

Mold Testing & Mold Remediation – A Serious Conflict of Interest

Hopefully we’ve helped you see what a huge CONFLICT OF INTEREST it is for a MOLD REMEDIATION company to perform pre and post mold testing.   We don’t want to scare you, but it’s also VERY IMPORTANT to know exactly what type of mold you are dealing with AND to ensure that the mold remediation company really got rid of all the mold and didn’t make the mold problem worse. 

The National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI)  even outlines in their Code of Ethics that “The mold professional shall promptly disclose in writing to the client any interests that may conflict with the mold services provided.”

Mold Testing And Inspection X

Imagine if a real estate agent was also the home inspector certifying the house you wanted to buy was ready for sale!  

The issue with a real estate agent being the home inspector would create obvious opportunities for unscrupulous professionals to certify a house as saleable, when in fact it may have something as dangerous as a hidden mold problem lurking behind the walls, beneath the floor, or above the ceiling!

Hire a True Professional Mold Testing Company

Hiring a true mold testing expert can save you money and headache in the long run.

Air Quality Consultants test for mold independently.  This removes the conflict of interest from the mold remediation process. 

We provide reliable results the next business day by 8pm without being involved in the remediation process.

Request a quote today!

Don't Risk Mold Related Health Risks

Schedule Your Air Quality Test Today!

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