Indoor Mold Allergy Symptoms

Indoor Mold Allergy Symptoms

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“You’ve got a mold problem.” That’s news that no one likes to hear. From your carpet to your ceiling, mold can grow just about anywhere. And once it takes root in your home, it can be a serious challenge to get rid of.

There are many different types of mold, and while some are easy to spot with the naked eye, others are impossible to find without tearing up your flooring or busting out your walls. Unfortunately, in many cases, these “invisible molds” are the ones that people are most allergic to. 

If you’ve been experiencing strange symptoms for no apparent reason, you could be dealing with an indoor mold problem that you didn’t even know existed.

Common Indoor Mold Symptoms

Mold affects everyone differently, according to the AAFA (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America). Some people experience allergy symptoms immediately upon exposure. Others may have a delayed reaction, causing symptoms to worsen over time. Below are a few of the most common indoor mold allergy symptoms to be on the watch for.

Sneezing, congestion, and runny nose

When their nose starts running, and they start sneezing, many homeowners quickly dismiss their symptoms as a common cold. However, unlike with a cold, indoor mold allergy symptoms won’t disappear until the problem is eliminated.

Rash and itchy skin

Not all indoor mold spores affect the respiratory system. Some who suffer from indoor mold allergies often develop red, dry, itchy patches on their skin when they come in direct contact with mold.

Difficulty breathing

One of the more severe indoor mold allergy symptoms is the tightening of the chest and difficulty breathing. For individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions (such as asthma), this sensation often occurs instantly when walking into a room with mold.


For many, prolonged inhalation of mold spores can create an overwhelming sense of sleepiness.

What to do if You're Experiencing Mold Allergies

The best way to get rid of mold and the allergy symptoms that come with it is to contact an air quality expert. A licensed technician can conduct an indoor air quality test that will tell you the exact type and quantity of mold spores floating around in your home. The test results allow you to pinpoint the problem areas of your home and formulate a plan to remediate the mold.

Remember, mold spreads fast. So, the sooner you can find and identify an infestation, the better. If you’ve discovered mold in your home or are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, don’t hesitate to contact an air quality specialist right away.

Air Quality Experts in Richmond and Virginia Beach

At Air Quality Consultants, we aim to keep families in the Richmond and Virginia beach areas happy and healthy by ensuring the air within their homes is clean and free of airborne pollutants. If you suspect mold is growing in your home, contact us today. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you might have about mold-related allergies, remediation, and air quality testing.

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