Mold is a word that no one likes to hear. It can grow anywhere from under your carpet, to inside your walls. If left untreated, mold can quickly spread throughout your entire home, causing significant damage and can even pose dangerous health threats to you and your family.
While mold can be hard to treat, it’s not impossible. Here are five useful tips that you can use to fight mold and prevent it from becoming a huge problem in your home.
1: Recognize the Signs
An unusual smell is often one of the first signs of a mold infestation. If you have recently noticed a stale, musty odor in your home, this could be a good indicator that you have an issue.
You may also be able to see mold physically. Mold can appear in spots or patches in a variety of colors. Mold spots are commonly found in areas such as laundry rooms and under kitchen sinks, however, mold can manifest itself anywhere.
If signs of mold are present in your home, unfortunately, the problem is probably more prominent than you think, and you should contact a mold specialist right away.
2: Clean Up Spills Immediately
It’s important to understand that without moisture, mold cant grow. Standing liquids can create a breeding ground for mold, especially when they come in contact with surfaces like carpet or drywall.
If something has spilled in your home, clean it up right away. Use towels to soak up the majority of the liquid, then use fans to allow air to circulate and dry the area further. You can also spray the affected area with distilled white vinegar to kill any mold spores that may have begun to grow.
3: Check Humidity and Ventilation Levels
Humidity levels- As mentioned above, mold needs moisture to grow. If the air in your home is too humid, mold can easily manifest. The EPA recommends keeping your humidity levels between 30-50%.
Proper ventilation- Without proper airflow, high moisture areas, such as kitchens and bathrooms can become hotspots for mold growth. If possible, open a window while cooking. When taking a shower, turn on the exhaust fan to remove excess moisture from the air.
4: Insulate Pipes and Air Ducts
During the warmer summer months, moisture tends to condensate on cold water pipes or A/C ductwork. This buildup of water can begin to drip down onto insulation or drywall, causing mold in areas that you are unable to see.
Plumbers and HVAC specialists recommend insulating pipes and ductwork. This process keeps cold temperatures isolated to the pipes, preventing condensation. When selecting insulation, opt for the plastic foam type, as it doesn’t absorb moisture as fiberglass insulation does.
5: Contact the Professionals
The best way to prevent mold is to get a professional involved. Indoor air quality testing is a great place to start if you think you might have an infestation in your home. These tests identify indoor air pollutants that can cause damage to your home or even make you sick.
If there is visible mold present in your home, don’t hesitate to contact the pros. The worst thing you can do is procrastinate. A thorough inspection of your home can help pinpoint the source of the problem and help to create a plan of action in remediating any mold inside your home.
We Want to Help You
Here at Air Quality Consultants, it is our goal to ensure that the air in your home is healthy and clean. Our licensed technicians are dedicated to providing the best air and water inspection services to the Virginia Beach and Richmond areas. If you suspect that you have mold growing in your home or if you have questions or concerns regarding your air quality, please don’t hesitate to contact us right away.