Air Quality Testing on a Grand Scale

Air Quality Testing On A Grand Scale

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Here At AQC, It’s our goal to ensure that everyone has clean, safe air to breathe, regardless of the size of the space where you live or work. Most of the time, we are called to test the air of average-sized homes and offices. However, occasionally we are asked to inspect much larger spaces.

Recently our team at AQC had the enormous privilege to conduct air quality testing on two 900-foot long Shughart-class vehicle cargo ships: the USNS Yano and the USNS Shugart.

A combined space of nearly 800,000 square feet!

USNS Shughart

Originally called the Laura Maersk, this cargo ship was constructed in 1980 and used by the Dutch shipping company Maersk for sixteen years until the US MIlitary acquired it in 1996. The Vessel was then renamed the USNS Shugart after Medal of Honor recipient United States Army Sergeant First Class Randall D. Shughart. Since her installment into military service, Shugart has served as the lead vessel in a three-ship fleet, including the USNS Yano and the USNS GySgt. Fred W. Stockham. Like the other ships in its class, Shugart can carry up 900 trucks, 58 tanks, and 48 other tracked vehicles at a time.


Named after Medal of Honor recipient United States Army Sergeant First Class Rodney J. T. Yano, this Stugart class cargo ship entered military service in 1997 under Military Sealift Command. Since its installment, the principal role of the USNS Yano has been the transport of material to military bases around the globe. The USNS Yano played a vital role in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, bringing overseas soldiers much-needed supplies.

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